Blood Deathmatch Maps is a deathmatch megawad for DOOM I containing 24 maps for you to battle your friends in. The WAD is split up into 3 WADs, Vol. 1, Vol. 2, & Vol. 3.
As of right now, only Vol. 1 is fully finished, so if you want some updates on the development for Vol. 2 & 3, make sure to head down to the "Development" section of this
page. To download Vol. 1, head down to the "Downloads" section and click on "Volume 1 UPDATE.".
Anyways, have fun, and happy deathmatching!
Go to the development page of BloodDMMs
The new Vol. 1 update updates all 8 maps to be more fitting for deathmatch. BIG thanks to Arrowhead for providing help and insight!
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